
The recent fundraising dinner for YWCA’s Rockhill apartment residents is a good example of what our Community Connections program is all about. Community Connections helps newcomers to Canada connect with people, events, and activities in the city while improving their English skills. There were many donations and efforts to help the families devastated by the September fire at the site of the… Read more.
Halloween is upon us! What this means for northern kids is planning a costume that will be big enough to fit over a snowsuit, planning the best route for trick-or-treating, and finding the biggest pillowcase in the house to fill with candy on Halloween night. There is a lot of excitement leading up to Halloween.  Why not harness some of that energy with some holiday-themed activities? Arts and… Read more.
As an educator, I have witnessed the effect that literacy skills have on people’s lives. In my first years as a teacher, I focused entirely on my students and actions to aid them to become more literate, thus helping them to experience success. I soon realized that my students often struggled if literacy was not encouraged in their homes. Enter a supportive principal and the NWT Literacy Council… Read more.
Plain language writing and design is more important than ever. We have more information to process than in the past. And we get much of our information on a screen, where we’re more likely to scan text, rather than read it. The NWT Literacy Council is a big plain language advocate. Our Write for Your Reader handbook and Plain Language Audit Tool are in their second printing. We do plain language… Read more.
Writing a memoir has been a tremendous healing journey for me. Through the writing process, I had time to reflect on my experiences and this has given me the opportunity to acknowledge and let go of past hurts. I can only hope that by sharing my story I am able to offer a sense of comfort to others, particularly Indigenous youth, who might be facing similar circumstances in their lives. Maybe… Read more.
Cooking is a great opportunity for intergenerational learning. That’s why we decided to make Everyone in the Kitchen the theme of NWT Literacy Week this year. There is always more to learn from cooking, even if we’ve been working in the kitchen for many years. Cooking helps us to eat healthy, delicious food, as well as to develop essential skills. You can cook together with your family at home,… Read more.
The theme of NWT Literacy Week 2018 is Everyone in the Kitchen. Cooking together is a great opportunity to teach skills to young children, to add numeracy to tasks, and to spend time together as a family. We invite you to celebrate with us! You can check out our new Everyone in the Kitchen recipe booklet on our website for ideas on how to include all your family members in each step of the… Read more.
Literature has always been a huge part of my life, so when I heard that the NWT Literacy Council was hiring, I immediately wanted to hand in my résumé. Though I was only at the Council for a short time, I learned a lot. My communication skills are much better since being around the families that I worked with. I am much more confident talking to other people. I also gained confidence each time I… Read more.
I was so grateful for the opportunity to work at the NWT Literacy Council. It was my summer dream job! I mean, any job where you get to make play dough has to be good. Just joking! Making play dough was fun, but I got to do tasks at the Literacy Council that I wouldn’t have done at any other job. I had the opportunity to write the Everyone in the Kitchen resource for NWT Literacy Week 2018.  … Read more.
When Facebook was new, I enjoyed getting in touch with friends that I hadn’t seen in years. It really opened up the world. I spent hours and hours scrolling and posting, and adding friends. Then one day I was so distracted by this social media thing, I realized I was not keeping my little ones safe. I turned around to find my one-year-old child sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. I… Read more.