
Thanks to our guest blogger, Megan Clark, the public services librarian at the Yellowknife Public Library. October is Canadian Library Month and every year a different theme is chosen. This year’s theme is: A Visit Will Get You Thinking. The Yellowknife Public Library is such a lively and exciting place that my work day includes an abundance of thoughts about libraries. Today I highlight just… Read more.
Look for us at a Healthy Living Fair in your community this winter. We’ll be at the table with the homemade play dough! The Government of the NWT’s Department of Health and Social Services sponsors the fairs and we’re grateful that they invite us. Being a part of the fairs gives us a chance to meet with people we don’t normally have a chance to connect with, check in with our literacy partners… Read more.
International Plain Language Day is October 13 and the theme this year is: Improving Customer Relations. Clear, everyday words, and as few of them as possible, can help business, governments, and agencies improve relations with their clients, customers, supporters, and the people they serve. International Plain Language Day encourages people to think about how they can communicate more clearly… Read more.
Diavik Diamond Mine donated $15,000 late last week to support literacy in the communities where its NWT workers are based. We’ll use the money to travel to Łutselk’e, the Tłı̨chǫ communities, Ndilo, and Dettah to give away books and host family literacy activities throughout the next year. Thanks Diavik for recognizing the importance of early literacy. It’s critical to child development. … Read more.
The lasting impacts of residential schools were brought home this past weekend. Maggie Mercredi facilitated a half-day workshop about the residential school legacy for our board and staff members. Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants had varied experiences and exposure to the residential school legacy. We shared some laughter, amidst emotional reactions of sadness, hurt, discomfort and… Read more.
By now, you may have heard about physical literacy. Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical skills (competence), and knowledge to be physically active for life.  But you may wonder, as did one of our Facebook friends, what does this have to do with literacy? There are many definitions of literacy, and the definition has broadened from the traditional one of being able to read… Read more.
Literacy in a digital world is this year’s theme for International Literacy Day, celebrated each year on September 8. The digital world is opening up opportunities for people at home, at work, and in their community. The pace of change has been rapid. The internet has become our major source of information and connection in only a decade or so. We often view our photos only on electronic… Read more.
The Indspire Youth Laureates Cross Canada Tour made a stop in Yellowknife Tuesday, with three laureates sharing their inspirational stories of post-secondary education. These speakers are taking different educational paths, but had common struggles. They shared tips for success with Indigenous students. Thomas Dymond is a laureate from the Bear River First Nation in Nova Scotia. He was a strong… Read more.
For the first time in my life, I recently had the opportunity to skin a muskrat, make dry meat, and hunt, fish and trap. I learned about the hard work it takes to ensure one’s survival on the land, as well as what it means to work together to build community. All this happened during my week at the cultural camp organized each year by the Aurora College Social Work Program. Elders and support… Read more.
The 12th Annual NorthWords Writers Festival was this past weekend in Yellowknife, Hay River and Ndilǫ. This year’s festival began in Ndilǫ with a family barbeque, prayers, songs, stories, and speeches. We were honored to have Education, Culture and Employment Minister, Alfred Moses, and Chief Ernest Betsina officially open the festival this year. The opening ceremonies were sponsored by our… Read more.