
April is National Poetry Month. For the first time I’m paying attention, due entirely to the Yellowknife Public Library poem-a-day newsletter. You don’t have to live in Yellowknife. Megan Clark will send a poem-a-day to any NWT resident. Megan, the Public Services Librarian, will send one or two poems to your email inbox each day in April. I know we all have too much email. But this is really… Read more.
Making music with young children supports overall brain development and helps develop music and language abilities. Active music invites a child to participate in and respond to the music, rather than passively listen to it. Children benefit when they hear an adult’s voice live, and are able to observe their facial expressions and movements of the mouth, tongue and breathing. This in-person… Read more.
Facilitators from five NWT communities — Ndılǫ, Fort McPherson, Fort Resolution, Hay River, and Délı̨ne  — gathered in Yellowknife recently to give feedback on the NWT Literacy Council’s Skill Builders for Youth program. The Skill Builders for Youth program is at the end of its three-year workplan, so we set aside time to do a thorough evaluation and reflect on the challenges, successes, and… Read more.
This is not a fairy story; it’s a real one — follow me, and you will understand. It seems like yesterday, but it is more than eight or nine months ago. I remember the first time when a group of ladies shared our wish to have a swimming pool for women only. It was our dream. It seemed like a big deal, but we believe that sometimes a dream may come true. I know, you are asking how does this happen… Read more.
Dr. Lisa Lunney Borden works with Mi’kmaw communities in Atlantic Canada, and is the John Jerome Paul Chair of Equity in Mathematics at St. Francis Xavier University. She believes that equity in mathematics involves identity and power: that students must be able to see themselves, their culture, and communities in their math; that they should be able to use math to tell their story. To develop… Read more.
Earlier this month the Grade 6-9 class at Chief Paul Niditchie School in Tsiigehtchic learned how to write and record an original rap song. Working with Hip Hop duo, Mob Bounce, students participated in a workshop called, “Hip Hop and a Sacred Space”. During the workshop, students created and recorded an original song called, “We are Tradition.” As the week drew to a close, Mob Bounce performed… Read more.
Adult literacy and basic education (now known as Developmental Studies) at the NWT’s Community Learning Centres can be an important stepping stone for adults who left school early. The centres can help adults feel successful about learning and get the foundational skills they need to go on to further education and/or employment. Despite many challenges — financial issues, family responsibilities… Read more.
Is there a bookworm in your life that makes your heart skip a beat? Skip the roses this year and say “I love you” with a book! While Valentine’s Day may be just around the corner, it’s not the only holiday we’ll be celebrating here at the NWT Literacy Council. February 14 also marks International Book Giving Day. We celebrate by delivering books to Yellowknife community groups to use in their… Read more.
Bushkids, a forest and nature school pilot program offered through the City of Yellowknife started last Tuesday. Children ages 6-10 will participate Tuesdays — all day — until early May. Bushkids follows a forest and nature school approach. It is run by two Yellowknife women, Wendy Lahey and Chloe Dragon Smith, who are trained forest and nature school practitioners and teacher trainers with… Read more.
This year marks Canada’s 19th year of celebrating National Family Literacy Day each January 27. Family Literacy Day is a national initiative of ABC Life Literacy Canada to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. Family Literacy Day reminds us to take time to learn together for the benefit of both adults and children. It helps us… Read more.