
  Dëneze Nakehk'o captured the feeling at the Weaving our Wisdom: A Territorial Wellness Gathering in his comment “wellness is the jackpot”.  That was his response to one participant who joked that one conference activity resembled BINGO.  A strong, healthy, collaborative north is the best prize any of us can hope for. Participants traveled to the gathering from all 33 NWT communities.  They… Read more.
Everyone can celebrate NWT Aboriginal Languages Month.  It’s as easy as talking to a baby or toddler in one of our Aboriginal languages. We know it’s easier to learn a language when we are young, so do the baby in your life a favour.  Help them learn their language while it’s easiest for them – before they are five years old.  Help them hear as much of their language as possible in the earliest… Read more.
  The NWT Literacy Council is thrilled to announce a pan-northern project that brings new skill-building opportunities to northerners. We'll work with the Yukon Literacy Coalition and Ilitaqsiniq-Nunavut Literacy Council to embed literacy and essential skills in current and new training programs related to natural resources, tourism and the service industry.  Each literacy council will take… Read more.
Guest blog by Noushin Naziripour, Yellowknife Public Library Do you buy books and don’t get past the introduction?  Do you want to improve your reading habits?  Do you miss reading because of your busy and stressful life? Then read slowly to reduce stress or consider joining a silent reading café.  You could join the “slow reading” movement, where slow reading groups around the world are… Read more.
This weeks’ blog is about love.  You may well ask what love has to do with literacy and learning.  A lot, as it turns out.  Our booklet Love Grows Brains explains how the experiences we give our children in the first three years of life lay the foundation for lifelong learning.  It describes how loving care is not only important, but is necessary, for a baby’s brain to grow.  This is one… Read more.
Katie Randall and I travelled to Tulita recently to visit one of our Skill Builders Projects in action.  Bradley Menacho, the community recreation coordinator, is leading a Drum Making workshop at the Cultural Centre on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Participants are learning the basics of drum making through this series of workshops.  Drum making is a tradition that has long been a part of… Read more.
Our Snuggle Up Together booklet suggests 100 great reads for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.  Whether you have young children, are looking for a gift, or need ideas for a family literacy program, this booklet offers great tips as well as great book ideas. Family Literacy Day was this week.  Family literacy is getting lots of attention because we’re learning that active reading and other… Read more.
There’s a lot going on in the life of a young child.  Cognitive development.  Social and emotional development.  Fine and gross motor development. Language development.  These are some of the domains of early childhood development.  Many parents only learn of these domains when they bring their child to see the nurse for an immunization, or a checkup.  They may be discussed during parenting… Read more.
Is e-reading to your toddler story time, or simply screen time?   This is the title of an article posted by the New York Times in October, 2014. It caught our attention because it’s a question parents have been asking, and we’ve been trying to answer.  The article concluded that the answer is not entirely clear yet.  Long-term studies are needed to show how learning to read is affected by… Read more.
When Martha Hamre worked with us last summer she developed health literacy resources for NWT Literacy Week.  Since returning to study at the University of Guelph she’s volunteered with a unique literacy program.  We’re delighted she had time during her Christmas break to write about it. The Running and Reading program involves exercising your mind and your body.  It was founded on the knowledge… Read more.