
Story Walks© are fun for children and for us.  Our biggest challenge preparing for recent Story Walks© was coming up with active "challenges" for the children that relate to the books that we read along our walks.  But it was so worth it.  Story Walks© combine the pleasure of reading a book aloud with the benefits of being active and outside. Story Walks© develop a child’s interest in reading… Read more.
March is my favourite time of year. The sun is warmer and it’s up longer each day.  I feel refreshed, energetic and am anxious to be outdoors.  Everyone around me seems happier. There’s another reason to celebrate.  It’s NWT Aboriginal Languages Month and it’s hard not to be inspired by Jacey Firth Hagen, the young Gwich’in woman leading the social media Gwich’in Language Revival Campaign #… Read more.
Perhaps you’ve heard about the What About the Men? Northern Men’s Research Project. The final report, released in early January, received a lot of publicity.  We did this research in partnership with our colleagues at the Yukon Literacy Coalition, Literacy Newfoundland and Labrador, and Ilitaqsiniq – the Nunavut Literacy Council, who led the project.  It was funded by Employment and Skills… Read more.
My name’s Mya and I’m 13 years old. I recently read the book Cut Off, by Jamie Bastedo.  I was surprised that I liked this book since it’s not the kind of novel I usually read, but after the first few pages I wanted to know what was going to happen next. I mostly read supernatural romances, but I’m really glad that I tried something new.  I enjoyed the plot and the characters.  This book was… Read more.
Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, is the most important festival for Chinese all over the world; February 8 marked the first day or 2016.  Unofficial statistics place the population of Chinese who reside in Yellowknife at around 200 people. For a small Chinese community like this, the celebration this year was particularly special.A local organization called Northern Star Chinese Classics for… Read more.
I have always loved reading. When I was a child, one of my favourite games was playing “library” in my upstairs loft. In this game, I would serve as the librarian, dutifully helping the visitor pick out a book from my parents’ bookshelves. We had an old broken computer up there too, and I would type away on it, letting the visitor know when their book needed to be returned. I was at an age where… Read more.
This week I got to see one of our Skill Builders for Young Adults programs in action.  And, I learned how to dry muskox meat. We offered Skill Builders for Young Adults training to 16 people from NWT communities last October.  Each person left knowing and understanding the nine essential skills - reading, writing, numeracy, document use, oral communication, thinking skills, working with others,… Read more.
National Family Literacy Day is just around the corner, on January 27. Here at the NWT Literacy Council we’ve been working hard to help communities host Family Literacy Day celebrations. Our theme this year is Get Active Outside. We chose this because, even during our long cold winter months, it’s important for children to get outside and get active as much as possible. We also wanted to focus… Read more.
Uma Sivakumar became our new Office Manager in November. In just two months working as the Office Manager, I’ve already had plenty of great experiences with the NWT Literacy Council, starting with a warm welcome from board members and staff last November. This job allows me to connect with a large number of educators who are all interested in literacy and youth education. So far I’ve… Read more.
Recently I was lucky enough to attend a training institute put on by Zero to Three, a large American organization that works to ensure that babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. I was really impacted by LaRue Allen, Cheryl Polk and Ross Thompson’s talk titled, Changing Untenable Conditions for Early Educators: Focus on the Infant-Toddlers Workforce. A big part of my job is hosting… Read more.