
Next week we celebrate the 2014 NWT PGI for Literacy.  PGI stands for Peter Gzowski Invitational. I urge you to come out to PGI events next week because we believe there’s fun in fundraising. On Monday, October 6, at 6 pm enjoy free food and entertainment at the Premier’s Feast at the Chief Drygeese Centre, in Dettah.  Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7 and 8, at 7 pm there will be two different… Read more.
We set aside seven days each year to think about the many ways literacy impacts our lives.  It’s an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of students and supporters, to learn new things and to join with our community to share in learning. At the NWT Literacy Council, we look forward to this week each year.  It’s exciting to see what community groups do to celebrate, and to see people from… Read more.
Guest Blog by Karen Pryznyk, Coordinator of Food First Foundation The tagline on a recent series of chocolate bar ads goes, “You’re not you when you’re hungry”.  It’s true.  Hunger changes you from a reasonable, functioning person to someone who is tired, impatient and unproductive.  How often have you recognized these symptoms in yourself or your children?  What is the solution?  Hint: it is… Read more.
Guest blog by Dr. Sam Wong Ever since my childhood I have appreciated the entertainment and learning value of reading.  As a child, I often spent my summer days curled up in a chair or lying in bed reading whatever book I could find in the library that struck my interest.  Growing up in a small town in Saskatchewan I soon ran out of children's books and often had to find other subjects to read… Read more.
We’re going to be busy celebrating literacy this fall.  And, we hope you’ll join us. September 21-27 is NWT Literacy Week.  Our theme this year is Literacy:  Our health depends on it!  There are a number of links between literacy and our health.  We learn better when we are healthy; for example, when we have a good breakfast.  Health literacy is also having the information and access to the… Read more.
It’s just a few weeks until the end of the summer and the end of my time working as a summer student at the NWT Literacy Council.  I love making connections with people, and this job offers many opportunities to do this.  I’ve interacted with the public at community events and workshops promoting all types of literacy. There is so much variety in my work.  I get to spend my days working with… Read more.
School’s out and the summer slide starts!  Summer slide?  It's not a new game, nor something you find in a playground.  It's the brain-drain that happens during the holiday months when kids are out of class.  Academic skills tend to slip away during the summer if students aren't actively engaged in learning.  Math, spelling, and reading skills suffer the most. Studies have found that learning… Read more.
I was honoured to attend the recent Aurora College Developmental Studies completion ceremonies for some very impressive adult learners in Yellowknife.  These learners excelled in their adult upgrading and access programs. The first two graduates under the college’s new Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) program also were honored for completing their senior secondary diplomas. Northern United… Read more.
Guest Blog By Cathy Jewison “I had no idea this festival was so big,” a friend said, as we stood in front of the book table at the NorthWords gala. My friend is right.  The NorthWords Writers Festival covers a lot of ground in four short days. Now in its ninth year, NorthWords brings together celebrity authors from across Canada, along with local writers and people who love to read.  The… Read more.
What can you do with pipe cleaners, drinking straws, dice, wooden beads and paperclips?  Build a brain, of course!  My brain building exercise was part of a great workshop that I attended called “Let’s Talk About the Early Years – Early Brain Development & Family Literacy” at the Centre for Family Literacy’s Family Literacy Training Institute in Calgary in May.  The workshop helped us… Read more.