What's New

Proposal Writing Workshop
January 28-29, 2014

Facilitation Skills Workshop
January 30, 2014

The nomination deadline for a Literacy Council regional representative for the Beaufort-Delta has been extended until December 20.  Our Beaufort-Delta regional representative, Bev Garvan, was recently elected Secretary of the Council. Help us fill this regional vacancy on our board of directors.  Please nominate yourself or someone else by completing and sending us a nomination form.

The NWT Literacy Council is looking for nominations for Regional Representatives on our Board of Directors.

Nominations close on December 6, 2013

We are looking for an Executive Director.  We seek a highly-motivated candidate, who is both a strategic leader and a skillful hands-on administrator.  This is a full-time senior management position based in Yellowknife.  We offer a competitive salary and benefits.

Submit resumes by email to nwtliteracy@nwtliteracy.ca  before 3 pm MT Friday November 29, 2013.  Please put Executive Director in the subject line.

We thank all applicants for your interest. We will contact only those selected for an interview.

Executive Director Job Description

Backgrounder on PIAAC results in the North (PDF)

Media Release - Yellowknife – (October 8, 2013): Literacy and essential skills in the NWT (PDF)

Literacy and Essential Skills Development in Canada's North (Backgrounder PDF)