
NWT Literacy Council’s Holiday Book Picks, Part 1 Each December, the staff of the NWT Literacy Council write a blog series about the books we have enjoyed reading this year, books we are planning to give as holiday gifts, or are planning to read over the break. Here are the first of our choices. The Noise Inside Boys: A Story About Big Feelings by Pete Oswald This book has been a favourite in… Read more.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL) is a free, monthly book-gifting program for children ages 0-5. Each month age-appropriate book is sent directly to the mailboxes of registered children, personally addressed to the child. The program inspires a love of reading among families and has been warmly received in many communities across the territory.  Since 2012, The NWT Literacy Council has… Read more.
From the Philippines, to Saipan, to the U.S., then Canada: these are the places where my footprints have been. My life has been painted by these places, diversified by culture, people, values, and differences which I have assimilated and which have become part of who I am. Life has always been a continuing journey for me. Every stop means a reset, being planted in the soil, withstanding the… Read more.
Hi, my name is Uma, and I am delighted to share my experience with NWTLC. I joined the Literacy Council in 2015 as an Office Manager, and I am now transitioning to a new role on the Family Literacy team. My time with NWTLC has been incredibly rewarding, and I am grateful for the opportunity to take on this new challenge within the organization. Throughout my time with NWTLC, I have had the… Read more.
March 2020 is likely a memorable date for most people. It was the date that formal announcements of the COVID-19 global pandemic began to change and impact the lives of many Canadians. The world came to (what felt like) an abrupt halt as we adapted our routines and habits to keep ourselves (and each other!) safe. It certainly was a unique and “unprecedented” period in history. Three years later… Read more.
February is Indigenous Languages Month (ILM) in the Northwest Territories, but we’ve extended our Bingo challenge until March 10! We want everyone to have a chance to learn, speak, share and live NWT's Indigenous languages.  This year’s ILM theme is “I’m in”, as in, I will participate! I will take part! Indigenous Languages Month isn’t just for the NWT’s fluent speakers; it’s also for non-… Read more.
Guest blog by Liz Liske, Yellowknives Dene First Nation member, descendant of the Tatsǫ́t’ıné (Copper) people that surround Great Slave Lake from Chief Drygeese Territory, Somba K’e also known as Yellowknife, NT in the Akaitcho Region. Grand-daughter of Elise and Antoine Liske from Akaitcho Region; of Adele and George Hardisty from Dehcho Region. Daughter of Ethel and Philip Liske.  Dene… Read more.
…In celebration of Indigenous Languages Month. Let’s begin with daht’e? How are you? Would you love to speak more than one language? I would love to speak several languages! I remember Father Pochat, our late priest in Behchoko, spoke seven languages. As a child I was amazed with his talent, even more that he learned to speak Tłı̨chǫ and read it. Speaking more than one language can have benefits… Read more.
Years of working with underrepresented communities, and belonging to one himself, has taught Ambe Chenemu the value of one word: empowerment. Going on three years now, Chenemu has been the president and founder of the Black Advocacy Coalition, also known as BACupNorth. The coalition advocates for issues relevant to Black people in the North and supports the socio-economic development of the Black… Read more.
In celebration of Black History Month, Black Advocacy Coalition (BACupNorth) has gathered a collection of books written by Black authors from around the world. The books on this list span many genres -- from historical fiction and autobiography, to sci-fi and more. Some stories tackle complex issues such as intergenerational trauma, racism and reclaiming one’s identity. Others celebrate love,… Read more.