2014 NWT Literacy Week

Celebrate NWT Literacy Week 2014 The theme for NWT Literacy Week 2014 is Literacy: Our health depends on it!  There are many connections between health and literacy.   We learn better if we’re active, eat healthy food and have a good night’s sleep. In addition, health literacy means that people and communities can take actions that promote and maintain good health.  To do that we all need skills and confidence to understand health information and services. Health literacy is also about the responsibility our health programs and services have to respond to the needs and rights of all citizens, regardless of their literacy skills. This means taking time to answer questions, using plain language and improving access to information and services that help people make good health decisions. There are many great programs taking place in communities around the NWT to help everyone understand health issues better!  Take time this week to find out what is happening in your community.  If there is a health topic you are passionate about and would like help promoting in your community, please contact us. Click here for 2014 NWT Literacy Week materials.