What's New

For ladies and girls 9+ years old Learn to swim with a teacher Wear clean clothes 

Only female lifeguards 

Date: Saturday, June 15 

Time: 8:15 – 9:30 pm 

Place: Ruth Inch Memorial Pool 

6002 Franklin Ave. 

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Cook international food with us! Practice your English Meet new people 

Date: Thursday, June 13 

Time: 10 am - 2 pm 

Place: Calvary Community Church 

5502 Franklin Avenue 

PDF ( - 378.36 KB )

Practice your English 

Meet new people 

Coffee and tea provided 

Speak English Cafe 

Date: Thursday nights 

Ends June 20 

Time: 6:30 - 8 pm 

Place: Library meeting room in 

Centre Square Mall 

PDF ( - 345.52 KB )

Summer Literacy Program Assistant

The NWT Literacy Council is accepting resumes for the position of Summer Literacy Program Assistant. All applicants must be between the ages of 15-30.

Duties will include, but are not limited to:

  • Travelling with the book mobile to events throughout Yellowknife
  • Planning activities for families at the Farmers Market
  • Sharing outdoor northern experiences with newcomers to Canada
  • Helping with the community garden plot.

The rate of pay is $17/hr.

All interested youth can apply. Position start date is flexible. The position is for 8 weeks.

Application deadline is Monday, June 3 at 5 pm.

Email:  nwtliteracy@nwtliteracy.ca

Fax:  867-873-2126

Or pop by our office (5122 48th St.).  Monday – Friday 8:30-5 pm. 

Yellowknife -  Congratulations to Jacey Firth Hagen, the winner of the Gzowski Award at the NWT Literacy Council’s PGI Bowl-a-Thon for Literacy on the weekend.

The Gzowski Award is named for long-time CBC broadcaster and literacy champion, Peter Gzowski. PGI fundraisers for literacy are held across Canada. This is the first time the fundraiser in the NWT has taken the form of a bowl-a-thon. It is a scaled down version from previous PGIs that featured golfing on snow and celebrity entertainers.

Jacey was recognized for her sustained Indigenous language advocacy through her Gwich’in social media campaign.

“The Gwich'in Language Revival Campaign #SpeakGwich'inToMe language movement stemmed from a place of passion and frustration. By learning and teaching Gwich'in, I believe that I both empower the younger generation and honour the generations that have passed on,” wrote Jacey in a 2016 story for the Council’s newsletter, Literacy Matters. Her story can be found at https://www.nwtliteracy.ca/sites/default/files/public/files/ntlc_newsletter_spring_2016_wr_1.pdf

“The Literacy Council is impressed that more than three years on, Jacey is still passionate about sharing her learning journey and working to continue learning her language,” said the Council’s Executive Director, Kathryn Barry Paddock.

Previous Gzowski award winners include Mabel English, of Inuvik and Mary Rose Sundberg, of Dettah, and Brad Mapes, of Hay River.

The PGI Bowl-a-Thon for Literacy raised more than $8,000 to support the Literacy Council’s Bison Bus, a mobile family literacy centre that will start traveling to road-accessible communities this summer.

For information contact:

Kathryn Barry Paddock



Still time to register!

A fundraiser for the Bison Bus Mobile Family Literacy Centre

Saturday, April 27 |  2-5 pm  |  Kingpin Centre

PDF ( - 217.27 KB )

Join us on April 6 and 27

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Speak English Cafe for newcomers to Canada is now on Thursdays.

Register now for this 2-day training

March 27-28, Yellowknife

Travel costs covered for NWT participants from outside Yellowknife

Registration deadline: March 13

Registration form

PDF ( - 230.57 KB )