What's New

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Summer 2014 PDF- version (7.2 MB)

Join us for the 2014 NWT PGI for Literacy is October 6-9 in Dettah, Ndilo, Yellowknife and Behchokǫ̀.

Our health and literacy are closely linked.  The 2014 NWT Literacy Week theme is Literacy:  Our health depends on it!
Let us know what you think of our new health literacy resources.

Copian hosts our website and included many of our resources on its website database.  Copian recently closed down its database of resources due to funding cuts.  This resulted in several broken links on our website.  Please let us know if you find links that aren’t working.  You can email nwtliteracy@nwtliteracy or call 1-866-599-6758 or 873-9262.