We expect that anyone developing a new website will feel like we do right now – whew! Finally! Working on a new website requires lots of attention to details and strong communication with the developer.
We hope that you can find what you want more easily on our new website. People are often surprised at how much is on our site. We have dozens and dozens of resources to help family, adult and community educators and program coordinators do their jobs. There are great ideas for parents and anyone interested in literacy or education.
We are known for our great teaching and learning resources and our website has all of the ones we have developed. Some, like our Science Fun and Little Chefs manuals, are updated so that they keep pace with the times.
Take the time to explore and then let us know what you think. We are sure there will be lots of tinkering before we complete it. But then, our website is always a work in progress. We are constantly adding new resources or other information, such as dates for special events and training. Hardly a week goes by without some kind of change or addition.
Let us know what you like and what we should change. We’ll be grateful for the feedback!