Digital Skills for Seniors

Digital Skills for Seniors

Technology has made the world increasingly connected, making it easier to stay in touch with loved ones and find information on everything. While younger generations have grown up with technology at their fingertips, it can be challenging for seniors to stay current.

The Digital Skills for Seniors program is designed to help seniors who are beginners at using technology. The class offers basic computer training including how to set up your computer and connect wifi, use different web browsers, use smartphones and tablets to send emails, and other basic tasks. The digital skills for seniors class also offers detailed information on storing and saving documents and files, online banking, picture storage, typing, learning how to protect from spam, and creating your email account and sending emails to connect with friends and families. 

For senior immigrants, our class also offers training in the use of Google Translate, a translation pen, in a maximum of ten weekly sessions. The class participants come from many countries, including Armenia, Ghana, the Middle East, Philippines, France, and Jamaica as well as long-time residents and seniors from Indigenous communities. Learning includes downloading and using language apps to communicate with each other, promote friendship, and encourage a closer community. The classes are offered in a comfortable environment for teaching and learning, supported by one-on-one teaching as required, yet with the feel of a traditional classroom.

Our most recent classes graduated two groups of seniors. The first session of nine weeks started in February and the second session of eight weeks started in April. A third cohort is scheduled to start in September. If you’re a senior and interested in learning more about using computers and digital devices, please contact and register for our Fall classes. 

-    Oyuka Bernabe, Project Specialist: Digital Skills for Seniors


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